Tag Archives: social media

  • Web Development

    At OGI, we design and build custom professional websites for small businesses, individuals, and non-profits in Los Angeles, CA, or anywhere in the United States. When you need an appealing and usable custom site, ask us for a quote. We excel at recommending the most effective approached and building the right websites for our clients’ […]

  • Social Marketing Personas

    Personas are “fictitious characters that are created to represent the different user types within a targeted #demographic that might use a site or product” (Wikipedia) and it is a widely used tool in many industries: from software development to entertainment product development to online #marketing and #socialmedia marketing. For a #social media marketer, #personas can […]

  • Social Media Marketing and FB

    According to recent DigiCareers #survey results, more than 92% of #socialmedia marketing professionals currently use #Facebook. Among these users, 58% access Facebook multiple times a day, 71% access it daily, and 95% access it at least weekly. 77% of participants believe that Facebook meets a consumer need to have an ability for individuals to communicate […]

  • Social Media Marketing

    Social platforms empower brands to directly engage their customers, research and influence their sentiment, establish two-way relationships, and promote personalized content that, with some luck, can go viral and bring back organic traffic. Our Social Media Packages Our Process OGI social media experts will work with people throughout your organization to discover, understand, and document […]